of National Academy of Sciences
of Tajikistan

News of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Department of physical, mathematical, chemical, geological and technical sciences

Chief Editor

Kokhirova Gulchehra Isroilovna

Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan,

Dr. of Physical-Mathematical Sci.

       Kokhirova G.I. was born in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. She graduated from the Faculty of Physics with a degree in Astrophysics of the Tajik State University named after V.I. Lenin, now the Tajik National University. She began working at the Institute of Astrophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan as a student, as a part-time laboratory assistant (0.5 rate). After graduating from the university, she was hired by the Institute of Astrophysics as a senior laboratory assistant. She studied at the full-time postgraduate department of the Institute of Astrophysics (1989-1991). In 1997-2006 worked as a scientific secretary, in 2006-2014 - Deputy Director for Science at the Institute of Astrophysics. From 2014 to the present, he has been the director of the Institute of Astrophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Since February 2021, she has been appointed acting Vice President of NAST, Chairman of the Department of Physical and Mathematical, Chemical, Geological and Technical Sciences of NAST. The dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was defended in the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RF, in 1999, the doctoral dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council of the Main Astronomical (Pulkovo) Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2012. In 2017 was elected a corresponding member of NAST. She is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the "Reports of the NAST" and the Editor-in-Chief of the "News of the NAST. Department of Physical and Mathematical, Chemical, Geological and Technical Sciences”, Chairman of the Expert Council on Physics and Astronomy of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The most important scientific achievements:

       Author of three monographs, more than 200 scientific articles, abstracts of 200 reports. More than 150 popular science articles were published by Kokhirova G.I. in the mass media of the republic and abroad. She took part in 80 scientific conferences, most of which are international, where she presented reports on research results. Under the leadership of Kokhirova G.I. Ph.D. of three scientists were prepared and defended in the Dissertational Councils of the Russian Federation.

Scientific contribution and its novelty:

       The main directions of scientific research of Kokhirova G.I. are small bodies of the Solar system, their physical and dynamic properties, their origin and relationships. To study the spectra of meteors, she developed and implemented an original method, on the basis of which new results were obtained on the composition of meteoroid matter. Under the leadership of Kokhirova G.I. a fireball network has been created in Tajikistan, which is the first and only network in Central Asia. As a result of simultaneous observations of five stations of the fireball network, more than 200 fireballs were photographed. Based on image processing, radiants, velocities, orbits and physical properties of large-sized space bodies were determined; all data were published in the form of a catalog. Kokhirova G.I. studied the evolution of the orbits of more than 10 thousand near-Earth asteroids and showed that almost 6% of these numbers are extinct comets. The results are published in the form of a monograph. In 2014-2016 with the support and assistance of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Presidium of the NAST under the leadership of Kokhirova G.I. the Zeiss-1000 telescope (mirror diameter 1 m) of the Sanglokh International Astronomical Observatory of the Institute of Astrophysics of the National Academy of Science was restored and modernized. Since that time, observations of space objects have been actively carried out at the Sanglokh observatory, completely new results obtained with the help of a 1-m telescope are published, which are available to scientists around the world. Based on observations at the Sangloh observatory, currently Kohirova G.I. with young colleagues investigated a number of active small bodies of the Solar system and revealed their composition and structure, as well as their origin. Investigations of supernova outbursts based on observations at Sanglokh have begun. New information about space objects obtained in Tajikistan is of fundamental and applied importance.


       Diplomas of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

       By the decision of the International Astronomical Union in 2014, the minor planet No. 24533 was named “Kokhirova” in honor of G.I. Kokhirova for his significant contribution to the study of small bodies in the Solar system. In 2021, she became the laureate of the Prize named after S.U.Umarov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, in the same year she became a laureate of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States "Stars of the Commonwealth".